Frequently Asked Questions

1. Question: Does Plexus Slim contain any MSG?
Answer: Plexus Slim does not contain MSG or other proven red-flag ingredients. Although some manufacturers play label games to hide MSG and other controversial ingredients, all of the chemical names used in labeling Plexus Slim are the chemical break downs of the various plant extracts used. No MSG, no artificials, no synthetics. Monosodium Glutamate has been used as a preservative in many foods. There is also a theory out there that it has been used in fast foods and grocery store foods to cause people to want to eat more, thus purchase more of the product. We have never seen any empirical data to support the claim. Of course, none of that applies to Plexus Slim because there simply isn’t any in our product.

2. Question: What is the sweetener in Plexus Slim?
Answer: Much time and effort has been expended in developing the taste of Plexus Slim. The goal was to create a good tasting product without using harmful or controversial ingredients. The final formulation that produced the desired taste uses a combination of Stevia and Lohan. Stevia being a leaf extract and Lohan being a fruit extract. During product development, several variations of the formula were created using only Stevia. The result was a bitter aftertaste considered by most test subjects to be unpleasant. Stevia and Lohan are both safe and effective alternatives to sugar and artificial sweeteners.

3. Question: What are the fillers in Plexus Slim?
Answer: Maltodextrin and fructose are both commonly used fillers. There are many variations of these two ingredients. The maltodextrin variation we use is among the lowest glycemic index available. We use it rather than other fillers because it does not adversely affect the taste of the product. Over the years, some product companies have put taste on a back burner when it came to the formulation. Even though some people do acquire a taste for these products, most do not. We have seen many drinks that are very healthy but people stop taking them because they can’t gag them down day after day. We have seen drinks that taste fabulous but have extremely high glycemic indices, thus the taste deters from the product’s health benefits. Plexus Slim strikes the balance between tasting good and refreshing while still carrying a relatively low glycemic index.

4. Question: What are the ingredients in Plexus Slim and are they safe?
Answer: Plexus Slim’s ingredients are all natural i.e. plant extracts, and they are completely safe. Ingredients are – Low Glycemic Index Fructose, Soy Lecithin, Beet Root, Stevia, Lo Han Fruit, Grape Skin, Carmine, Chlorogenic Acid, Rosmarinic Acid, Hydroxcycinnamic Acid (Not associated with Hydroxycut), Citrin K, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Chromium Amino Nicotinate, Oxypregnane Steroidal Glycoside, Citric Acid, and Natural Fruit Flavors. All ingredients are natural with no artificial coloring or flavoring.

5. Question: When can I expect to experience weight loss?
Answer: Because Plexus Slim contains no stimulants, it is a very subtle yet effective product. Most people begin to recognize benefits approximately 2 weeks after starting the product. Some experience benefits sooner, others, later.

6. Question: What ingredient in Plexus Slim Accelerator might cause a false negative in a drug test?
Answer: In the accelerator, the GeranaX (Geranium Flower Extract) can show up in some urine tests as an amphetamine. It is not an amphetamine and a blood test will show that it isn’t in the amphetamine family. If you are subject to drug testing please indicate on your pre-screening questionnaire or notify your examiner that you are taking a dietary supplement containing geranium.

7. Question: Will Plexus Slim interfere or react with any medications or other supplements?
Answer: No. Extensive clinical research has demonstrated no ill side effects with any medications or other supplements.

8. Question: Are there any stimulants in Plexus Slim?
Answer: No. Plexus Slim does not contain any stimulants such as caffeine, ma huang, ephedra or any other type of stimulatory ingredient.

9. Question: When is the best time to drink Plexus Slim?
Answer: Preferably 15-30 minutes before a meal. However, Plexus Slim can be taken anytime and will still benefit the consumer.

10. Question: How often do I have to take Plexus Slim?
Answer: Most people only need to take Plexus Slim once a day to get the desired results. However, people who struggle with weight loss or people who have a lot of weight to lose, may find that taking Plexus Slim twice a day works better for them.

11. Question: Can pregnant or lactating women take Plexus Slim?
Answer: Plexus Slim has not demonstrated any harmful effects for pregnant and lactating women. As with all supplementation, a health care practitioner should be consulted before taking the product.

12. Question: Can children and teenagers drink Plexus Slim?
Answer: Plexus Slim has demonstrated no ill effect on children or teenagers.

13. Question: How is Plexus Slim sweetened?
Answer: Plexus Slim is sweetened with Stevia Leaf Extract and Lo Han Fruit Extract. Both of these ingredients are natural, completely safe and do not lend themselves to invoking a blood sugar spike when consumed.

14. Question: Whenever I go on a diet, I seem to lose fat from my breasts first. Will Plexus Slim cause the same thing to happen? Is there anything I can do about preventing the fat from coming off my breasts?
Answer: Breast fat is different than the adipose body fat that accumulates around the waist, hips and thighs. Plexus Slim tends to go after the adipose fat and leave the Breast fat alone. However, if you want some added assurance, we recommend the use of Plexus Breast Cream. If you apply this cream twice a day to your breasts, the product will help your body to detoxify your breasts and, in the process, keep them fuller and firmer.

15. Question: Besides weight loss will I notice anything else from taking Plexus Slim?
Answer: Based on the feed-back from people who are taking Plexus Slim, we are hearing four pretty consistent things: first, people say they feel calmer throughout the day; second, people tell us they are sleeping much better at night: third, people notice their appetites are down; fourth, people tell us that they aren’t snacking as often; some have told us their snacking, especially sweets like chocolate and candy, has totally stopped.

16. Question: Do I need to exercise on the Plexus Slim program?
Answer: According to the developers of the product, it is not necessary for you to exercise as part of the Plexus Slim program. However, they also say that any moderate exercise – like a 20 to 30 minute brisk walk every day – will dramatically increase the speed with which Plexus Slim works.

17. Question: Do I need to eat differently when I am taking Plexus Slim?
Answer: This is a really important question and here is a very simple thing to keep in mind: if you keep on doing what you have always been doing, you will keep on getting what you have always been getting. In reverse, if you want to lose weight permanently, you will need to eat differently than before. Plexus Slim is formulated to help you make a life-style change to your eating habits.

Plexus Slim contains natural ingredients that have been shown to reduce appetite. However, some people just ignore their body’s new messages and keep on eating like before. Some people eat emotionally; they eat because they are stressed or upset. Most people are trained to eat with their eyes and eat by the clock. What do we mean by that?

Has this ever happened to you? You look at the clock and realize it is supper time. You sit down to eat your supper and realize that you really aren’t hungry. But, because it is supper time, you eat your supper anyway. That’s what we mean by eating by the clock.

Some people sit down for a meal and fill up their entire plate with food. Then, they eat until everything on the plate is gone. They are not listening to their bodies. Weight loss specialists tell us that the stomach is really designed to consume a meal that is about the size of a clenched fist.

If you go to a restaurant, try ordering an appetizer for your main meal. Wait a few minutes after you finish eating. If you are still hungry after you have had your appetizer, you can always order another appetizer. Our guess is that if you listen to your body, you will realize that you are full. And, one other thing, your pocket book will also appreciate the lower cost of the meal.

If you are looking for a restaurant and you see the sign “All You Can Eat” or if you see “Buffet Dinner Tonight”, please drive on. We have been trained to always get the best deal we can for our money. When we are at a buffet that means that we need to go back at least three times AND go for dessert as well just to make sure we get full value for what we have paid.

Make a decision: Do you want to lose weight and keep it off by making a small life-style change? If so, Plexus Slim is designed to help you do that. On the other hand, if you want to make sure you are getting the biggest bang for you buck by stuffing yourself at the buffet, you can forget about permanent weight loss.

18. Question: Will Plexus Slim cause me to notice a loss in pounds or inches?
Answer: Every person is different and what happens with one person is not necessarily what is going to happen with another. Most people report that they lose inches first. That is why we urge you to take your starting measurements. That may be where your results first show up. On the other hand, we have had people reporting a loss in weight before the loss of inches show up.

19. Question: Do I have to give up drinking alcohol to lose weight with Plexus Slim?
Answer: This is a very individual thing. Some people have told us that, throughout their adult life they have never been able to lose weight unless they give up drinking.

The developers of Plexus Slim say that, for most people, moderate drinking will not stop the weight loss from occurring.

You need to use your own judgment. Alcoholic beverages are very high in calories. Consume too many calories and you are going to be working against the Plexus Slim program.